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High School Scholarship

High School Scholarship Opportunity for Seniors


In furtherance of its Mission to support the physical, mental, and emotional development of the youth in our community, Lee’s Summit Soccer Association (LSSA), dba as Sporting Lee’s Summit has established a scholarship program to award one-time scholarships to high school students who are planning to attend college or other vocational training after graduation from high school.   These scholarships will we awarded to graduating high school seniors who have participated in LSSA during their high school career, as a player, referee, or volunteer.   Consideration will be given to those individuals who have had significant involvement in LSSA and have exemplified LSSA’s ideals of good character, leadership, sportsmanship, and fair play.    

The number of scholarships and amounts of each scholarship to be awarded will be determined on an annual basis by the Board of Directors of LSSA.   The scholarships will be awarded during the spring season at the Post-Season Coaches meeting.

Application Timeline

The application process will begin January 1st with a deadline of June 1st.   Scholarship candidates will be required to complete a written application and submit at least 1 letter of recommendation from a coach, referee or other person who is familiar with the applicant’s involvement in LSSA.

The Board of Directors will appoint a scholarship committee who will review all the applications and make a determination of the recipients. 

Eligibility Requirements

  1. Graduating High School Senior
  2. Verification of Attending Post High School Educational or Vocational Program
  3. Verification of participation in club activities
  4. Timely Complete the Application

Click here for Scholarship Application

Only graduating seniors may apply